Vegan Nutrition The benefits of vegan nutrition in your life

In recent years there has been a lot of noise around vegan nutrition and its whereabouts. Some call it a new trend; some refer to it as a new way of life whereas others tend to confuse vegan nutrition with vegetarians.

Vegan nutrition has nothing to do with vegetarians

Since a maze is starting to build around vegan nutrition, we provide you with the proper “thread” to navigate yourself and understand what vegan nutrition and its benefits are all about.  To set things straight: Vegan nutrition has nothing to do with vegetarians. 

Vegan nutrition is plant-based nutrition including vegetables, grains, nuts, and fruits or foods made from plants. A vegan will not eat food that comes from animals and will abstain from dairy products or eggs. On the contrary, vegetarian nutrition, although it includes fruits vegetables, cereals, or dry nuts the consumption of dairy products depends on the type of vegetarian nutrition, one wishes to follow.

“But, what about meat?”, one would think. It is true, that meat plays an important role in our daily nutrition since it provides us with all the necessary protein sources, vitamins and sustains iron levels, among other things. Consequently, vegans need to search for alternative ways to gain the aforementioned nutrients. Some of these can be found in food such as tofu, soy, mushrooms, potatoes, eggplants, lentils, vegetables, beans, cauliflower, nuts, or even beetroot.

What one needs to bear in mind, upon deciding to follow vegan nutrition is to consume much iron, calcium as well as vitamins and minerals. The food can be easily prepared at home by using fresh products which can be found in various vegan stores. Last but not least, recently there has been a great presence of vegan restaurants which offer specific menus and ideas for your meals. 

The benefits

Vegan diets can be healthy for anyone of any age, including children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly. Plant-based nutrition can provide you with all the necessary ingredients which are important and mandatory for your health and well-being. 

Vegan nutrition:

 Get Healthier

Vegan nutrition has several perks for one’s health. It can help a person to have a lower cholesterol level, lower weight, lower blood pressure, and a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. It also helps in preventing deadly chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer. Research also suggests that vegan diets are better for the environment. Changing from normal nutrition to a vegan one is not an easy task. One needs to build it up and include these alternative products in his/her nutrition in time.